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Supply Chain & Human Rights - What Consumers Need To Know

  • Kosmos 104 Lagerstrasse Zürich, ZH, 8004 Switzerland (map)

It's been six years since the collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh that killed 1135 people and injured another 2438. It is incidents like these happening all over the world that make consumers demand to know under which circumstances the products they buy in Switzerland are being produced. Issues like child or forced labour, discrimination, handling with hazardous substances, and unfair pay cannot longer be ignored. The supply chain, which describes the journey from raw material to the finished product, is a complex structure with often many players: The retailer has a supplier who works with another supplier who works with another supplier. What do companies do to control their supply chain and to guarantee that human rights and social standards are being respected and what role and options do consumers have?

Intro presentation
Dr. Christoph Good, Lawyer at Good & Partner Rechtsanwälte, and Senior Research Fellow at the Centre of Human Rights Studies, University Zurich

Panel discussion with
- Simona Scarpaleggia, Head of IKEA Global Initiative „The future of our work“
- Chantal Peyer, Team Leader Business and Human Rights at "Bread for all"
- Marius Lang, Deputy Head of Social Standards at Federation of MIGROS Cooperatives
The panel will be moderated by Christoph Keller, Swiss journalist and author

The Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Foundation also invites you to an apéro after the panel discussion with special guest Oliver Percovich, founder of Skateistan.

We would like to thank IKEA Switzerland for supporting our engagement at the Human Rights Film Festival 2019, and KOSMOS for hosting the event.

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